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autor: Beyga, P.
tytuł: Prawda a ekumenizm - Benedykt XVI wobec anglikanów
Teologia w Polsce 13,2 (2019) 187-199          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Benedykt XVIekumenizmKościół Anglikańskirelatywizm

Ecumenical activity is a very important aspect of life in the Catholic Church. The author of the article looked at this ecumenical activity in the perspective of Joseph Ratzinger's - Benedict XVI's teaching. According to pope emeritus nowadays relativism is the most dangerous for ecumenism in the Catholic Church after Vaticanum II. A special document promulgated by pope Benedict XVI entitled Anglicanorum coetibus was a magnificent example of ecumenical activity in the Catholic and conciliar spirit. The article shows ecumenism also in the perspective of conciliar Decree on ecumenism and liturgical vision of unity of the Church.

autor: Ferdek, B., Piekarska, M.
tytuł: Chrystologia sztuką życia Dietricha Bonhoeffera
Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) 31-39          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Bonhoeffer, Dietrichchrystologiaprawda

Bonhoeffer`s resistance to Nazism flies in the face of the initial successes of the Third Reich. Believing that truth consists of more than the facts, he chose to resist evil rather than negotiate a "non-agression pact" with it. For Bonhoeffer truth is not so much "something" as it is "Someone", i.e. Jesus Christ. Living in the truth thus entails following Jesus. Today the debate over truth has taken a new face. A thoroughgoing relativism, which denies the existence of truth and hence of lies, acknowledges one`s self and one`s desires to be the only measure of things. The fruit of relativism is political correctness, which eliminates certain themes from public discourse in the name of tolerance. The dominant ideology gains control of the media and perhaps the parliament, leading to solutions that infringe on the dignity of human beings. Bonhoeffer reminds us that politicians cannot divorce themselves from truth.

autor: Izquierdo, C.
tytuł: Verdad y revelación, en la teología católica contemporánea
Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) 17-29          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: objawienieprawdateologia współczesna

Between revelation and truth deep relationships exist. The doctrine of the Church, in the two Vatican Councils, responded to illustrated criticism denying the truth involved in revelation. This study presents seven proposals in Catholic theology in recent decades, involving a reinterpretation, in varying degrees, depending on the case, of the truth of revelation. Finally an answer is offered to those who claim the impossibility that knowledge involves authority or obedience; the impossibility to perceive a divine order (other than the mundane by definition), and the impossibility of expressing a divine reality that completely transcends our experience the world.

autor: Klupczyński, A.
tytuł: Kultura wobec wyzwania Słowa
Teologia w Polsce 1,1 (2007) 109-115          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: wartośćkulturaprawda

autor: Królikowski, J.
tytuł: Culture, Education and Truth. The Perspectives on Help Offered to Contemporary Youth
Teologia w Polsce 13,2 (2019) 95-109          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: kulturawychowanieprawdalogoswcieleniepaideia

This paper focuses on three fundamental notions-realities which describe human life and constitute at the same time its foundation and the space of participation in it. The triad culture - education - truth describes the most essential human experiences, simultaneously, defining the direction of their deepening and creative developing. Certainly, in the times like these when everything is questioned notions-experiences that belong to this triad are not problem-free. What is more, they are deemed to be superfluous, especially in ultra-left-wing ideologies in which suicidal tendencies are easily discernible. Taking this into consideration, it is hardly possible to avoid polemic attitude towards numerous questions even those most essential since in their semantic field the greatest confusion may be detected. That is why there are numerous attempts to answer the question how, in the face of such a dynamic spiritual condition of the world, those fundamental issues can be dealt with within the frames of anthropology, and how they can be justified from the anthropological point of view. This reflection is rather philosophical in character, however, it is also inspired by the fundamental Christian truth which says about the incarnation of the Son of God and about the salvation of man made by Him.

autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Na drodze poznania wiary
Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) 41-51          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: prawdaepistemologiawiararozum

Human personality is constantly providing an element of his spiritual life and absolute. This element is not the ordinary means and therefore may not be fully discovered, let alone eliminated. Only a gradual learn the intrinsic value of absolute faith in us makes the commitment and concern for the preservation of human identity. Then also there are an increasing longing to know the relationship with God, which is the sole and supreme cause any absolute value. Which the desire to know our personal relationship with the Creator may be followed by deeper personal and communal faith. This is the endless process, accompanied both the element symbol and the true worship.

autor: Parzych-Blakiewicz, K.
tytuł: Man in the "Splendour of Divinity." The Hagiological Interpretation of "spousal love" in line with John Paul II's Theology of the Body
Teologia w Polsce 14,1 (2020) 89-102          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Jan Paweł IIteologia ciałaciałoantropologiamiłość oblubieńczaświętośćprawdadobro

The article presents the theological interpretation of the phenomenon of spousal love in terms of examining its correlations with the call to holiness. This study belongs to the field of hagiological research aiming at developing a new concept that defines arguments in the Church's strategy concerning the defence of every human life. The analysis concerns the statements and philosophical writings of Karol Wojtyła and then John Paul II on spousal love and the dependence of the person and his actions on the Truth and Good. The Christological-soteriological aspect of spousal love as conditioning the sanctification of the person has been indicated. The axiological conditions related to the Christological assumption have been termed as “the Splendour of Divinity," identifying it with the space of the salvific influence on a person, sanctified by Christ's spousal love and called to develop an ethos based on this love.

autor: Parzych-Blakiewicz, K., Kopiec, M.A.
tytuł: "Sumienie eklezjalne" w blasku Prawdy, Dobra i zbawienia
Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) 143-159          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: prawdadobrosumienieVeritatis splendorCaritas in veritateLumen fideiBenedykt XVIJan Paweł II

The article presents the issue of ecclesial conscience as a personal space in which a believer man evaluates his own ecclesiological activity. The formation of the faithful conscience in an ecclesial format is in line with theandric and at the same time missionary nature of the Church. The issue is shown based on three papal documents: Veritatis splendor, Caritas in veritate, Lumen fidei. These sources explain the relationship between absolute Truth, Goodness and Love as transcendentals conditioning the individual process of human salvation.

autor: Sarto, P.B.
tytuł: Myśl teologiczna Josepha Ratzingera
Teologia w Polsce 7,2 (2013) 23-43          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Ratzinger, JosephChrystusEucharystiaKościółmiłośćprawda

In these lines we offer a synthesis on the theology elaborated by the current bishop of Rome. We begin at the centre, with the central nuclei: Christ present in the Scripture and the liturgy, and his/it's closeness to the Church and Mary. Later we deal with the theological and ontological pillars of his thought, in which we find love, truth, beauty and hope. Regarding the announcement of the Christian message, Ratzinger insists on faith and reason, and in this relationship we can deduce his ideas on theology, catechesis and preaching. Finally, with regard to the mission, his statements about the ministry and the Eucharist (here an ecumenical theology can be deduced), creation, other religions and the relationship between the Church and the world are of some note.

autor: Sienkiewicz, E.
tytuł: Poznawczy realizm egzystencjalny według św. Augustyna
Teologia w Polsce 6,1 (2012) 21-30          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Augustynepistemologiaprawda

Although bishop of Hippo did not develop his epistemology in a methodical manner, he determined himself two tasks: aiming towards theory which would not depart from life as well as towards discovering the truth by gaining wisdom which would make him capable of it. As he was getting closer to the second task, an illusion and doubts appeared, but he managed to overcome it by means of original conception of entity which, in christianity, identifies with wisdom. this drew his attention in a direction of internal dimension of human life - a soul which comes into a relation with the truth, overcoming obstacles on the way of a subject to an object, accompanied by threats of sensualism and idealism.
Recognition of human soul seems to be the basic belief of Augustine's realism, but on the other hand by means of distinction of existential truth which allows to reconcile its absolute feature with a possibility of being mistaken. Discussing the corporal, spiritual, intellectual and supernatural vision, Augustine presents human soul as being capable of mystical union with God by the use of the corps and its senses as well. Another reason supporting Augustine's theory is, in his opinion, its practical nature, as human being wants to recognize the truth, to acquire real truth which is the basic of a fortunate life.

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